Czech currency rates

USD $změna
EUR €změna
GBP £změna
JPY ¥změna
CAD C$změna is the first place where you can get information about Czech currency rates. The page has only Czech version, but it has a lot of information about Czech currency rates - complette history, current rates, best rates in Czech banks and Exchange offices (USD EUR). You can use Google to translate the Currency rates page.

Czech currency - EUR and USD chart

Czech currency - koruna - EURO EUR and Dollar USD rates chart

Czech koruna - banknotes

   The complette list of Czech banknotes and coins is on official page of the Czech national bank (ČNB).

Czech Currency - koruna - banknote 20 Czech Currency - koruna - banknote 50
Czech Currency - koruna - banknote 100
Czech Currency - koruna - banknote 200 Czech Currency - koruna - banknote 500
Czech Currency - koruna - banknote 1000 Czech Currency - koruna - banknote 2000 Czech Currency - koruna - banknote 5000

Other pages about Czech koruna

   Old Czech banknotes from 20 century

   Czech koruna Czech currency on Wikipedia

   Czech currency on Yahoo