Budapest (Hungary) - Prague (Prag, Praha, Czech)

Train and bus from Budapest to Prague and back

From To

   Go to Budapest to Prague and Prague to Budapest - Train and bus timetables. There are about 6 direct bus lines and 5 train lines from Budapest to Prague and Prague to Budapest.
   The train way is 530-610km and takes about 7:30 - 10:30 hours ( F 374 PANNONIA EC 174 JAN JESENIUS EC 170 HUNGARIA EC 278 JAROSLAV HAŠEK EC 130 /70 ).
   The bus way from Budapest to Prague is 560km and takes about 7:30 - 8:00hours.

Link to other web sites

Praha - Budapest Train timetable with connection schema and prices in CZK (only Czech version).

Praha - Budapest Air tickets Prague - Budapest with prices in CZK (only Czech version).

Route from Budapest to Prague with route directions on Google maps

The way from Budapest to Prague by car is about 528 km and takes about 5 hours. See Prague to Budapest and Budapest to Prague on Google maps.